I started this week in bed a little sick. After two days in bed, I returned to the water soon as possible!

Although here the conditions are not perfect, I guess it's good to train freestyle to acquire more power, speed and aggressiveness in the tricks. The difficulty is teaching me a lot!!!
In the afternoon, there is a little wave to practice with the surfboard. It is fun!!
It's great fun in the beach when preparing or picking up kites, local boys help you at all. Even fight for it at the time of raising or lowering the kite. Not only help tourists but also do the same between them. They are very friendly!!!
What I really love about this place apart from the spots, are fruits, juices and of course the Açaí!!! Here in Brazil if you don not like the Açaí you will feel lost!!!
Today, sunday morning we have been for train to a nearby spot called Baheriñas. It is a fairly flat water spot with strong wind. I liked it, it was fun!I landed all my tricks!!! I'm also working on new tricks; learning the technique, watching videos how to execute and above all helps a lot to me visualize. One of them is Raley to Wrapped. My friends filmed me and this helps me correct my mistakes.

Little by little I'm getting used to new conditions. I'm picking when is the best time to kite and when is the best moment to land my trick.
Out of the water there is plenty to do here in Vila Bela Vista like: climbing, jumping in the trampoline, swimming in the fabulous pool or relaxing in the hammocks...

Well here's the summary of my second week in this wonderful place!


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