Junior World Cup 2017

This year I had the change to go to Dakhla with the homies some days before the first competition of the season, the Junior World Cup in France! The conditions there, were very similar to France so that it was great to train there.
The forecast for the competition was nailed: the wind blew on the first day and a bit the last day.
We did the inscription and right then we were told that we will compete the following day, so that we went to bed early for be ready the next day!
We had to get up at 6am it was still dark, to be on the beach on time for the skippers meeting.
This year I was in a higher category. We were quite more girls that we are us to so that was cool!

We did a dingle elimination and the heats were 3 riders each, but mine was just two riders, Salome and I. The conditions were quite hard. Unfortunately Salome lost her board on a crush and I didn't could do little less. However, I went directly to the final.
The wind blew all the day long. It was North wind (Tramuntana), strong, gusty and very cold.
I knew that the day would be loooong, so I tried to safe energy, eat well, be hydrated and be away from the sun and wind. However, I made the big mistake, leaving my wetsuit dry on me too many hours. It was a big lesson!
Waiting all year for this moment! Stocked because I really was for the first time in front of the new system: 4 riders, preference for do the trick, small competition area and a 9 minutes heat.
I couldn’t find the right moment to do the tricks.
The results were not far from those expected.
It's not all about to train hard, but dominate the scene, be aware of when is your moment and be confidence and security when making tricks.

To finish I would like to congratulate my teammate Claudia for the win! On the other hand, especially to Pipa for the courage to compete with the shoulder dislocate and get 2nd!
I ended up 3th and so excited for the next competitions in Junyyyy!!!!

Really great full for all the support received from my family, friends and sponsors during the competition!!!



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